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Solar Panel Cleaning In Wembley, London – A Miracle Happened!

Solar Panel Cleaning In Wembley, London – A Miracle Happened!

Clean Solar Solutions have proved yet again why they have won multiple awards for their solar panel cleaning service by removing lichen and cleaning these solar panels on a Wembley home.The solar panels get very dirty, very quickly due to a large pigeon population that rest on the roof of the property and the large volume of passing traffic in the area.  This had created an incredible bloom of lichen on the solar panels which no window cleaner locally was able to remove.Clean Solar Solution…

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VIDEO: Solar Panel Cleaning Enfield, London. Tissue Test

Clean Solar Solutions have cleaned 96 solar panels and 6 solar thermal panels on the roof of a building in Enfield, London.  We were asked to clean the solar panels by one of our solar installer partners, Spirit Solar. The solar PV panels are mounted on A-frames at a shallow angle, so just 12 months after their install, they were building up an noticeable accumulation of dirt which would be affecting output from the array.

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