Clean Solar Solutions have won a solar panel cleaning contract from Braintree Council. Here are the results of the first round of cleans.
CONTACT US if you are in Braintree and require solar maintenance or cleaning!
Our solar panel cleaning robot was deployed to clean more than 600 solar panels at Halstead Leisure Centre. Below, you will see a video of this clean being completed. The 170KW solar array covers an area of 1232 square metres, greater than the area than 4 tennis courts. The site is blighted by a pigeon population. The solar panels were covered in bird droppings. However, the solar panel cleaning robot was able to bring the solar panels back to an acceptable state, as seen in the video below.
Witham Leisure Centre Cleaning
Manual solar panel cleaning was completed at Witham Leisure Centre, where due to shading from nearby trees. Therefore, the system was not performing to its full capacity. The shading had caused considerable algae to build up along the bottom edge of the solar panels and some lichen had started to form. Fortunately for Braintree Council, the lichen issue was not severe and could be dealt with as part of a standard clean. Left much longer, the lichen would have developed and thereafter a chemical clean of the solar panels would have been needed.
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As a result of our report to Braintree Council, the decision has been made to move some of the solar panels and re-locate them to a different part of the roof. This work will also be carried out by Clean Solar Solutions.
Braintree Swimming Centre Cleaning
The 874 solar panels on Braintree Swimming Centre have also been manually cleaned. These panels were cleaned before our robot was ready for use, but future cleans will be completed with the robot. At the time of its installation in 2015, it was, at 246KW, one of the largest solar arrays owned by a local Council. These panels are very flat and so they have virtually zero run-off. This means that the panels hold a lot of dust and dirt, so will benefit from regular cleaning. Below are photos of the array before and after cleaning.

Braintree Council are proud as one of the largest local authority developers of rooftop PV to make a clear, long-term commitment to carbon reduction and sustainability and then back this up with a programme of high-quality maintenance. This will ensure the best financial returns for Braintree Council of the long term.
If you are the owner of commercial or residential solar PV system in Braintree and require advice or maintenance, such as cleaning, please feel free to contact us.